Winner of the "Uncle Odie's" Award Program Contest #2006.07 Brent Gair
Congratulations to, "Brent Gair" for being our "Uncle Odie's" Award Contest winner! For his terrific detail paint job diorama of Marta Kristen in Beach Blanklet Bingo! Thanks to everyone that submitted items, and for those taking the time to vote within the contest!

Marta Kristen Beach Blanket Bingo Kit - Brent Gair
Winner of the "Uncle Odie's" Award Program Contest #2006.06 Brent Gair
Congratulations to Brent Gair for winning our bi-monthly Uncle Odie's Award Program!

Giant Spindrift Diorama - Brent Gair
Wow! This is BIG time for me!
I've been scratch building for awhile and, when I found your site a couple of years ago, I kept thinking that I should build some Irwin Allen stuff so I could submit it to "Uncle Odie". Now, I'm actually a winner. This is like the Oscar for Irwin Allen fans!!!
Brent Gair
Winner of the "Uncle Odie's" Award Program Contest #2006.05 Larry Lee Moniz
Congratulations to Larry Lee Moniz for winning our bi-monthly Uncle Odie's Award Program!

Bill Mumy Music Logo - Larry Lee Moniz
Winner of the "Uncle Odie's" Award Program Contest #2006.04 Pendercrafts
Congratulations to the "Pendercraft Team" for again winning the bi-monthly Uncle Odie's Award Program.
LIS Jupiter-2 Graphic Art - Pendercrafts
Winner of the "Uncle Odie's" Award Program Contest #2006.03 Brian Davis
Congratulations to Brian Davis for winning our March 2006 award contest!
 Captain Tucker Sculpture - Brian Davis
Winner of the "Uncle Odie's" Award Program Contest #2006.02 Shawn Charland
Congratulations to Shawn Charland of Canada for winning our February 2006 award contest!
 Spindrift Diorama - Shawn Charland
Congratulations to the Pendercraft Crew for winning our January 2006 award contest! This is there second win in our contest. Yet another deserving honor, for there terrific job with there awesome graphic art and videos. They also recently won our annual award, so these guys are tough to beat.
Congratulations Guys!
 Jupiter-2 Special Edition - Pendercraft