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Updated: February 16, 2025

For three years, DC Collectibles has been churning out figures based on the beloved Batman: The Animated Series. There have been a few hiccups along the way, but after seemingly righting the ship at the tail end of 2015, it looks like the line is set for some smooth sailing in the coming year. At Toy Fair, nearly 20 new figures for the line were unveiled for the first time, with final production versions of few others appearing as well. Given that the show, and its successor The New Batman Adventures, ran for so long, there's still plenty of mileage to get out of this series. There's no signs of DC Collectibles slowing down at all, and that's just fine by us.

A few of the figures were teased prior to the show, including the tremendous new box sets for "Girl's Night Out," "Legends of the Dark Knight," and Batman Beyond. Even in the early stages, all three of these collections look fantastic. Supergirl and Livewire are the only new figures to the "Girl's Night Out" set, but both are welcome. The two characters had great designs on the show, and those come through wonderfully here. The Batman Beyond set comes with some accessories for Terry, including wing attachments, so there's a lot of promise in that set. Both Batman Beyond and "Girl's Night Out" also hint at potential expansions for DC Collectibles' animated figures. Keep those fingers crossed for an Inque and Bruce Timm-inspired Darkseid.

Of course, that set based on the animated adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns is also inspired. The Mutant Leader looks like a Jaws poster with sunglasses. It's just perfect. You've also got that Batman that looks like he's been doing nothing but chin-ups for 100 years, and a note-perfect Carrie Kelly, to bring one of the best interpretations of the graphic novel to life. If you can't enjoy these, I don't know if we can still be friends.

Harvey Bullock getting added to mix is good to see, as is the fact that he comes with a half-eaten donut. Dude loved to eat, especially on the animated show. The only thing that keeps Harv from being overshadowed by Talia al-Ghul is the fact that couldn't fit in a dozen of her shadows stacked on top of each other. Talia is one of the best sculpts the line has seen to date, and captures every last bit of mystique and power she had on the show. That animated version was so well designed, and DC's team has managed to bring her to life in 3D so well she's easily already one of my most anticipated figures of the year.

As for Clayface, just look at that guy. You can hear him screaming at Batman just from looking at that howling head sculpt. Tell me that's not the best Clayface figure anyone has ever done. You can't, so ipso facto, I'm right.

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