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Updated: July 19, 2023

This red tin body Batmobile was made in Taiwan by Cien Ge in the 1970's and comes with the original box. It is the short version car with Batmobile written on the side. The box shows artwork of the Batmobile instead of a photo of the toy that is on many similar boxes. The car is in excellent condition with a few small scratches. It has good color, a clean battery compartment, and rubber wheels with white tin hubs. It has black pinstripes on the sides with black across the tops of the fins and blue translucent lights and red rocket exhaust with a tin bumper. Batman and Robin have painted heads over tin upper bodies in great condition. The front grills are tin and very clean. The doors, hood, and dashboards are lithographed with great color. The box advertises "Blinking Warning light and jet engine noise" when activated and is marked "NO: 2001".

Value: $1,000.

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