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Updated: August 24, 2005

Ladies and gentelman I present Yvonne Craig...Yes this is the only kit/statue endorsed and by the great Yvonne Craig .. Ms. Craig had a long and prosperous acting career, but for me her best role was as Barbara Gordan / Batgirl. She starred in the series from 1967-1968. Seeing her BatGirl Cycle cross the screen meant we would see Batgirl, I loved those episodes. She is also the sweetest person you will ever meet.

Let's talk about this kit. The sculpt was done by Greg Baker in Sarasota, Florida. Greg has sculpted for Disney, Universal and other studios. He has done life size sculpts of James Brown as well as other celebrities. His work is known through out the US and Europe. The likeness of Yvonne is amazing. And Yvonne thought so too. The kit is done in 1/4th scale, when built it stands a whopping 17" tall, really big.

Has a one of a kind Yvonne Craig base to be painted as you want. Yvonne is waiting betweens scenes with her cowl in hand. Nice custom box with boxart. The kits are limited to 300 once that number is met there will be no more. This is kit number 7. Most are sold at shows and via internet. All kits come with a certificate of authenticity, see photo. Has 5 parts, easy to assemble.

You may also order from and for a fee have the kit signed. We will only offer a very few here. Priority Shipping in the US will be $12.50 For more information on this kit visit

Cost: $125. Per Kit

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