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Updated: February 26, 2025

The television series also followed the comic books' plot. Bruce Wayne ( Played by Adam West ) was orphaned in his teens when criminals killed his parents. He inherited a huge fortune and, obsessed with fighting the evil-doers who plagued Gotham City, became Batman, the Caped Crusader. Under his mansion, Batman constructed the Batcave, an elaborate laboratory used to fight crime. His young ward, Dick Grayson ( Played by Burt Ward ), also orphaned due to evil-doers, became Robin, the Boy Wonder, under Batman/Wayne's tutelage. Together they defended the city against the sick minded criminals that populated the underworld. The only person who knew their identity was Alfred Pennywirth ( Alan Napier ), Wayne's butler who raised Bruce after his parents were killed. In the Batlab, and at the Batcave, Batman and Robin were helped by the most advanced technology to fight their enemies. The Police Commissioner James W. Gordon ( Neil Hamilton ) could ask Batman for help either through the use of a searchlight, the Batsignal, or the Batphone, a direct line between the Police Station and Bruce Wayne's mansion. To defeat their enemies, Batman and Robin also used the Batmobile, their utility belts and other Batdevices.

Aired from January 1966 to March 8 DVD set # of Episodes: 120

Value: $30.


Adam West .........Bruce Wayne / Batman Burt Ward ........ Dick Grayson / Robin Alan Napier ...... Alfred Pennyworth Neil Hamilton .... Police Commissioner James Gordon Stafford Repp .... Police Chief O'Hara Madge Blake ...... Aunt Harriet Cooper ( 1966-1967 ) Yvonne Craig ..... Barbara Gordon / Batgirl ( 1967-1968 )

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