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Updated: January 29, 2025

The Catwoman was an arch-nemesis of Batman.

She was a seductive villainess who often stole the heart of the Caped Crusader and always wanted him for her own partner, but her criminal persona always allowed him to see through her seductions and never stopped him from carrying out his criminal apprehending duty.

Catwoman is one of Gotham City's most prominent villains, ranking near the top with Joker, Penguin and Riddler for the most criminal activity. Dressed in a sleek, black bodysuit with cat ears, an eye mask, clawed gloves and a cat medallion around her neck, Catwoman has the appearance and grace of the animal from which she gets her name. Indeed, at times she has been known to meow, and when Batman is close by her voice takes on a distinctive purr.

It is easy to see that Catwoman is attracted to Batman in a strong physical way. Whenever they come face to face she tries to coax him to admit his feelings for her, at times attempting to entice him into a more personal encounter. Even attracted to Batman as she is, she cannot abide his crime-fighting behavior. The fact they are on opposite sides of the law will undoubtedly keep them apart.

She has been known at times to keep pussy willows in her hideout. Throughout the day she will take time out for a cat nap and she has a fondness for milk. She also is allergic to dogwood. Her capers are usually related to cats in some way. Whether it be a form of ancient treasure or jewelry in the shape of a cat, cat-gut strings from antique violins, or the legendary treasure of Captain Manx, Catwoman will hatch a scheme which will usually involve trying to rid Gotham City of its caped protectors. Though she is attracted to Batman, she has the sense to realize he is a hindrance in her plans. Batman believes that Catwoman has the nine lives of a cat because during her attempts to try and escape from capture she has fallen into a bottomless pit or off the roof of a waterfront warehouse and urvived. She has a pet cat named Hecate who she sometimes takes on her crimes and occasionally even helps her.

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