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Updated: August 05, 2023

Deanna Lund is one actress who didn't start out as a star struck little girl with a yen for Hollywood. As a child in Florida, her only screen idol was Roy Rogers. That was primarily because she was riding in rodeos at the early age of ten. She was interested in Country-Western music and wrote her own songs which would make her more a candidate for Nashville than the film capital.

Her first public performances were in the political arena helping her father run for office. A sportswoman, she was more interested in horses and water sports. Then how did a clean cut kid like this wind up on "the wicked stage"? Some journalists have assumed that because of Deanna's natural beauty and sunny disposition, the road to stardom was strewn with roses. This is a total woman who is very dedicated to learning everything about her craft.

Deanna believes in hard work and what she calls "paying your dues".

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