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Updated: August 05, 2023

This is an original complete set of 8 Movie lobby cards, not reproductions! They were used in a theatre to promote the engagement of this Motion Picture in 1957!

This Set of 8 11 x 14" Movie Items:

I was a Teenage Frankenstein ( AKA: Teenage Frankenstein ) U.S. Lobby Cards NSS# 57 / 600 American International Pictures 1957 The Lobby Card set is in excellent condition! Minor corner and edge wear. There are staple holes in all four corners of #s 5-6-7 & 8. An approx. 1" angled tear in left edge of #4 ; a light dent scrape and an extra staple hole in the left red area of #8 ; a tape-repaired (on the back) top left corner and an approx. 1/2" x 1/8" staple tear at top right corner of #5.

Pictured: This amazing set of cards from the camp / cult classic sequel to AIP's earlier hit I was a Teenage Werewolf features some great images of the film's stars Whit Bissel, Phllis Coats, ( one of the Lois Lanes on the 50's TV Superman Show ), Robert Burton, and buff-bodied Gary Conway ( later of TV's Land of the Giants ) as the Monster - who is seen in six of the eight cards!

Conway's Frankenstein is seen terrorizing a woman in her bedroom, attacking teenagers in their hot rods, spying through a window, driving around with Bissell and leaning against a door in the lab additional images show Bissell & Coates displaying a newspaper headline ( "Police press search for the girl killer!" ) and lab assistant Burton leading police into the laboratory.

The terrific artwork in the left and bottom border of all the cards features the poster's famous close-up of the Monster's face, a sketch of the monster carrying a girl and the great, stylized title logo! The affectionately-regarded entry in the AIP / Herman Cohen horror film series ( which included the above-mentioned Teenage Werewolf, How to Make a Monster, Horrors of the Black Museum and Konga ) is directed by, Herbert L. Strock.

Value: $600.

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