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Updated: August 06, 2021

Received this e-mail and photos on April 13, 2005:

Hello Robert,

thanks for posting these! I often joke to my Wife that in the event of a fire I will grab her, the kids and my Spindrift. Of all the scratch built models I have built this one is truly special. It's not perfect, balsa wood is not an ideal medium for a project like this. But it was a milestone in my building efforts. After perfecting my craft in ship building I felt I could build anything out of balsa and plastic. The Spindrift was my first endeavor and I am pleased how it came out. Since then I have gone on to build a Valley Forge (from Silent Running) and a three foot Battlestar Glacticia using the same process.

I marvel at the fiberglass models I have seen, including the studio Spindrift on your site. They are works of art, however they cost a great deal to produce. Using balsa and plastic sheeting I can typically build a six foot warship with RC control for $300.00, the Spindrift with lights cost $230.00 for materials.

Even at 48 I still get the urge to turn on the lights and put the Spindrift out in the backyard and play, Land of The Giant's.

Thanks again....

Mike Aucutt

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