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Updated: August 14, 2021

This is the Polar Lights Spindrift kit that I assembled several years ago with the Voodoo fox lights in it. I have to say that when I was assemblying this kit I had to do alot of cutting puddying and etc. because the way the kit was manufactored alot of the parts didn't fit right at all, This kit had an interior fully assembled and everything but the hull wouldn't close down like it should the floor pieces was off track it was just terrible, So what I did was took out everything in the passenger cabin and left the back wall up so that I could mount the lights on to that piece, then I took down the wall leading from the passenger cabin to the cockpit wall for room so that I could run the wireing to the lights in the dome and cockpit area.

I really wanted a fully assembled interior in the Spindrift but that just wasn't going to work due to lack of space, Before putting the Voodoo fox in my Spindrift I had another set of lights in there that just stayed on til one day I turned the lights on and every light shorted out. I then made a choice I will use the Voodoo fox lights because one they pulsate like the Spindrift did on the series two they looked great and three most of all I can use this ship in my film making and it will look like the real thing, my Spindrift will be used in my animated films for flying scenes only, and some ground shots as well.

If you would like to see some of my stop motion animated test clips of Land Of The Giant's and other Irwin Allen stuff and etc, Go to You Tube and in the search box type in GRE2381 and all my clips will pop up.

My goal is to do a complete movie on Land of the Giant's.

Greg Whaley

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