Updated: February 26, 2025
The Day the Earth Stood Still Pressbook 51 Robert Wise, art of Gort holding Patricia Neal! An Original Vintage Theater used Movie Pressbook ( Measures 14" x 18" 36 x 46 cm 24 pages ).
The Day the Earth Stood Still, the classic 1951 Robert Wise science fiction ( sci-fi ) alien-contact thriller ( "From out of space.... A warning and an ultimatum!"; "Strange power from another planet menaces the Earth!" ) starring Michael Rennie ( As Klaatu; English leading man, best remembered for his starring role in this movie! ), Patricia Neal, Sam Jaffe, Hugh Marlowe, Frances Bavier ( Forever
famous as Aunt Bee in "The Andy Griffith Show" ), Billy Gray ( best remembered as "Bud" on TV's "Father Knows Best" ), and Lock Martin ( As Gort the Robot )
Important Added Info: Note that this pressbook contains the "bound in" newspaper style Herald that is often absent from this pressbook! Also note that when studios would prepare pressbooks they would often include a sample of the Herald. Most often, the Herald is no longer still with the pressbook. Sometimes, the Herald by itself will sell for almost as much as the rest of the entire pressbook! This pressbook contains the original Herald that was included with it. Finally, note that this pressbook is complete and uncut! Given that theater owners purchased pressbooks partly in order to create their newspaper advertising, and quite frequently cut them up for that purpose, it is rare to find a pressbook that is complete and uncut!
Value: $250.