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Updated: July 31, 2023

This was indeed a very special item at Guy Williams star ceremony event. This was a first day cover dated in Hollywood on August 2, 2001. I personally had this signed by Janice, Toni, and Guy Williams Jr. I may have been the only person at this event to had this signed by the family? A Zorro fan named Kathy Clements made these covers, and only 30 were ever made for this event. This FDC that I own is #28/30. The cover reads as follows: The Star Ceremony for Guy Williams was on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 11:30 A.M. at 7080 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood California.

This was just the start of the Guy Williams Memorial weekend fan celebration. Fans gathered from around the globe to celebrate the life of Guy Williams by sharing memorabilia, going to places where Zorro was filmed, and just hanging out together. The Star Ceremony really is a special event for the family, friends and loyal fans.

Value: $40.

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