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Updated: August 16, 2023

Actor Guy Williams as John Robinson. "Biography" John Sims Robinson Birthplace: Lowell, Massachusette Birthdate: January 14, 1957 Height: 6'3" Weight: 190 Pounds Eyes: Hazel Hair: Brown Rank: Lt. Colonel Hobbies: All type of sports, football in particular.

John Sims Robinson was born on January 14, 1957, in the large Massachusetts town of Lowell. The fifth child of a lower-income family, John learned at an early age the only way that he would get ahead would be through his own hard work & determination. "You can't get something for nothing" would become his motto, a conviction brought about by his struggles to better himself during his looks, athletic powers, & most important, an unusually high intelligence gave him an edge over most children his age.

John Robinson did not include a large amount of information pretaining to himself in the Jupiter-2 log books. However, he did admit that the strain of leading the mission, as well as the responsibility for the lives of everyone aboard the Jupiter-2, at times pressed his leadership abilities to the limit, particulary during the first few weeks after liftoff. During this time there were some personality clashes between himself & Major West, with one incident nearly ending in the death of the young pilot. This near-disaster seemed to bring John back into line & he & West were to remain good friends thereafter.

Since then, John has proved to be an excellent choice for leader of the pioneer expedition. Although he has still not been able to reach the original destination of Alpa Centauri, his intelligence, experience, & quick thinking under even the most adverse conditions has kept the Jupiter-2 expedition safe & sound. Under his leadership it only seems to be a matter of time before the crew reaches its final destination.

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