Updated: October 18, 2024
Hogan's Heroes is a popular television series that aired on CBS from 1965 to 1971. The series, which starred Bob Crane as Colonel Robert Hogan, is set at Stalag 13, a German prisoner-of-war camp for Western Allies prisoners during World War II. In the series' plot, Stalag 13 is a "Luft Stalag", located near the village of Hammel burg, run by the German Air Force ( Luftwaffe ) for Allied Air Forces personnel. The prisoners, in turn, run an Anti-Nazi organization beneath the camp right under the Germans noses.
During its six-year run, the series received twelve Emmy Award nominations, winning two ( Werner Klemperer won twice as Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series ), with the series itself receiving three Emmy nominations for Outstanding Comedy Series ( 1965 to 1968 ). 168 episodes were produced. The show continues to be presented in syndication. Series writers created the fictional device gonculator which has since entered the English language.
At the moment, all of the episodes are available on VHS tape from Columbia House, while all six seasons of the series are now available on DVD from Paramount.