Updated: January 10, 2025
Five Weeks in a Balloon is Jules Verne at his very best. It is properly sub-titled Journeys and Discoveries in Africa by Three Englishmen. The sub-title actually tells the entire story which is set in the late 1800s, and readers who enjoy adventure are in for a splendid treat. Dr. Samuel Ferguson conceives of exploring Africa from the air, in a balloon that Ferguson designs and the adventurers name Victoria. The doctors long-time friend and associate, Richard Kennedy, reluctantly agrees to accompany him on this dangerous journey, and the doctors servant, Joseph Wilson, is traveler number three. One hair-raising adventure follows another, from being chased by cannibals...to having their balloon attacked and badly damaged by huge birds...being attacked by lions...and a chase across the desert by blood-thirsty Arabs. These and many other life threatening challenges will have the reader on the edge of his seat as the three men make their way across mysterious Africa.