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Updated: July 11, 2023

Irwin Allen City of Long Beach Proclamation Certificate, 20th Century Fox N.A.T.O. Luncheon Showman of the Year Plaque and Proclamation from San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto for The Poseidon Adventure, Box Office Blue Ribbon Award for The Poseidon Adventure, and California Fire Chief Association Service Award. Vintage original Irwin Allen City of Long Beach Proclamation Certificate for Poseidon Adventure Day, April 18, 1972, on perma-plaque ( 17" x 12" ), 20th Century Fox N.A.T.O. Luncheon Showman of the Year engraved brass plaque on wood ( 16" x 11 ") and Irwin Allen 20th Century Fox Showman of the Year Proclamation from San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto signed September 19, 1973 (15 " x 11), Box Office Blue Ribbon Award for The Poseidon Adventure on perma-plaque (10 " x 8"), and California Fire Chief Association 1975 Service Award for The Towering Inferno metal plate and tile on wood (10" x 10").

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