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Updated: April 08, 2022

These two (2) felt banners from 1998 each measures 15 x 18 inches and have been placed in black frames for safe keeping. When I say felt, they are like the material a college dorm room banner is made from. To review, one shows Will, Dr. Smith and the Robot with the words "Warning Warning" coming from the Robot and the words Lost in Space on the bottom of the graphic. This was later artwork was used on a promotional t-shirt.

The other, more whimsical, has the Robot holding a surfboard with Dr. Smith's image on it. Dr. Smith's face is in a circle with a line running thru it and the words "No Smiths" printed underneath. The Robot is saying "Warning Warning Surf Attack". Sadly this artwork was never used! Both felts have the follow copyright information in an angle-shaped rectangle on the bottom right-hand corner. Lost in Space (with the register R above the e in space. The copyright symbol followed by 1966 CBS. All Rights Reserved. MNFG Changes Queens N.Y.

These two banners were obtained in Seattle by a dealer named Gasoline Alley. It is believed that these were early silk screen original prints, to be later used for t-shirts and other promotional merchadise?

Value: $400. (Each)

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