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Updated: December 20, 2023

This stunning original comic splash pages, 12, 18, featuring Will Robinson and Dr Smith on a post-apocalyptic future-earth, is from Innovation’s Lost in Space #15, Part 3 of the acclaimed Voyage to the Bottom of the Soul story arc written by Bill Mumy. Envisioned by Bill as an epic galaxy and time-spanning conclusion to the story of the beloved Robinson family and the original Lost in Space TV series. None of the original art pages from the 12 issue Voyage to the Bottom of the Soul run have ever previously been available for sale to the public.

Gouache and Pencil art by acclaimed Australian comic and pin-up artist, Michal Dutkiewicz ( Wolverine, Batman Forever, Catwoman ). Pages are signed by Michal Dutkiewicz. The Lost in Space: Voyage to the Bottom of the Soul #15 comic was published in 1993 by Innovation Comics.

( * ) Note this artwork was up for auction on eBay on 12/21/23 as a asking price of $470. per artwork!

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