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Updated: April 10, 2022

This is one of a kind, original front cover art used for Innovation Comic's Lost in Space #8 by Mike Okamoto (signed)! This exqusire image featuring Will, Judy (who never looked so good) Robinson is about 12" x 18.5" on a larger page.

This painting comes in a white matt and is signed by the following cast members:

Maureen Robinson - June Lockhart Don West - Mark Goddard Judy Robinson - Marta Kristen Will Robinson - Billy Mumy Penny Robinson - Angela Cartwright Dr. Zachary Smith - Jonathan Harris Robot - Bob May

A photo of the cover before Bill Mumy (the editor on this comic) had Doctor Smith painted over (if you hold it up to the light you can still see him clinging onto little Will Robinson) and the original Penny Robinson head which was made bigger due to Bill Mumy saying Penny's was too , a-hem, "top heavy", if you know what I mean?

Value: $800-Up.

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