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Updated: April 18, 2022

I finally got this finished! Started three weeks ago but got busy with real life and had to put it aside for a while. And I kind of bit off more than I could chew, as between the two figures and the spaceship, it took much longer than I thought it would! Anyway, I'd love to see it up on the website. I hope I'm not overdoing it, and getting the limelight too often over there. But drawing this stuff is just so much fun, and as long as you like it, I'll probably keep drawing it.

Drawn with Prismacolor colored pencil on Canson blue drawing paper. Michael Rennie as the "Keeper", and his massive spacecraft in the background. The two-part Keeper episode has always been one of my favorite LIS shows. Rennie is probably best know for playing the alien "Klaatu" in "The Day The Earth Stood Still".

MJ Bivouac

Value: $300.

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