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Updated: April 19, 2022

From the Pendercraft crew that brought you the new Jupiter-2 launch flight simalator now brings a whole new meaning to Lost in Space. These are early 3D graphics of there newest project, Professor John Robinson buckled up in his classic space-age device, the rocketbelt (jetpack). The Pendercraft crew have been working on this exciting project for months here. The official release of this video is hopefully the end of July 2005?

John Robinson is testing the rocketbelt prior to the Jupiter-2 launch at Alpha Control to there voyage to Alpha Centauri. People all over the world watch, as John Robinson flies through the sky and around the Jupiter-2 gantry launch towers. John is at the site for final inspections before the Jupiter-2 is brought out to the launch area. This will be the first the world over will see the famous Jupiter-2, the home of the Robinson family for the next 5 1/2 years which will take them through the stars for all of man kind.

We hope you like the sneek peek here, and please drop us an e-mail to give us your feedback on the Pendercrafts newest project.

To be continued.....

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