Updated: April 23, 2022
After seeing Steve's great artwork on his website, I decided to contact him. He was very nice to share his artwork with us. Even though Steve stated to me, "This wasn't his best work" and is planning on doing new work shortly. Steve has done much special
artwork for the Lost in Space B-9 Builder's Club, Chiller, and other special events. His work has been displayed on t-shirts, cups, and other promotional items. Not to mention his artwork displayed on other famous websites here on the internet.
I have been in contact Steve on a weekly bases. He assures me that he is working on new artwork. When completed, it will be
featured here first for it's grand unveiling. I am looking forward in seeing Steve's artwork. I hope to get a written bio from
Steve, and a personal photo of Steve as well.
Many thanks Steve for sharing your terrific artwork with all of us!