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Updated: June 17, 2022

Issued by the Milton Bradley Company in 1965. Game consists of a 16 x 16" full color board and various pieces. The artwork on the box was also used on the Milton Bradley LIS puzzle. The play board was signed by (7) LIS cast members at the Boston Convention in 1995.

From the instructions: In this exciting game of luck, players must travel over the wild and hazardous Lost in Space unknown planet. The spinner tells them in what direction they must move each turn. They may be forced to move off the path or even into the Monster Pit which will send them back to start...The object of the game is for a player to land on his finish circle first.

The game is complete with its original box in great condition. The instructions, Original playing pieces in a sealed cellophane box, spinner and colorful game board. Copyright 1965 by Milton Bradley Company.

Value: $150.

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