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Updated: June 26, 2022

Stuffed Giant Cyclops Doll

My name is Terry McKnight and I have been a Lost in Space collector for 30 years and a Fan since the show was put into syndication in the late 60's. One of the items that I have always wanted to see produced or fan made is a large stuffed Cyclops figure. While Trendmasters made one back in 1998, it is a fairly small figure at only 11 inches. I finally decided that if I wanted one, I was going to have to make it myself. So, with my wife assistance and after several hours of trial and error here is the completed project.

This Cyclops is approximately 22" tall and is completely handmade. It has a wooden and wire skeleton support system which allows the legs and arms to be positioned so that the Cyclops can be free standing. The feet are cut out of wood which I then painted and attached handmade toe nails, that were made out of polymer clay, as were the finger nails.

The body is stuffed with poly fill and covered in layers of brown rug like material, which we cut into pieces to simulate a layered look and to give the body definition. The head is made out of a foam ball which was covered in felt and lets just say it was a real challenge, it took three separate attempts, to get it right, the first two turned out to large for the body, but on our last attempt we finally figured out the correct size. Although the current head may still look a little large for the body, we were not trying to make an exact scale replica, we really wanted something that represents more of a caricature.

The eye and the noise, just about put a stop to the whole process, we ended up putting the project away on several occasion just out of frustration, but in the end, we found a way to make it work by using a felt material and sewing the pieces directly into the face. The beard and hair are made out of fur, which was not very easy to work with and the teeth are cut from white flexi-foam.

We figure that materials for this project came to about $80.00 and we put in approximately 40 hours of work.

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