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Updated: July 09, 2022

From the classic Lost in Space TV series were these never released phone cards. Individual phone cards are indeed rare, but uncut phone card sheets, are impossible to find. I have only seen one other set several years ago offered to me by Mike on the Lost in Space Museum website. These cards were a promotional / demonstration sample only. For some reason, they never went any farther than just samples? The Company that made these's "Frontier" decided not to market them after the 1998 remake film did not go over well. There were several Lost in Space Movie phone cards that were made and sold over sea's promoting the film.

These cards were never sold, and were nearly all destroyed. These cards cannot be activated, and were used for promotional purposes only. These are indeed very rare and special for any Lost in Space collector. The cards featured here are The Robot, Professor John Robinson and Maureen Robinson, Dr. Zachary Smith, and The Robinson Family.

Value: $1,000-Up.

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