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Updated: November 23, 2024

These Remco Ray guns was reused in all of Irwin Allen TV show toys. This gun was also used in the classic TV show "Star Trek" and several other sci-Fi toys in the 1960's. Remco just changed the logo stickers on the toy. Also, different color combination of the ray gun was released.

On the heels of their successful walkie-talkie ventures ( 1957 ), Remco released their Electronic Space Gun ( 1958 ) using many of the same principles. Killer packaging, basic play patterns, and plastic, plastic, and more plastic! As little more than a glorified flashlight, Electronic Space Gun boasts an underwhelming array of features. Changeable-gel illumination accompanied by clicking sounds when the light switch / trigger is pulled. Not exciting enough for you? Then try the package's claims.

Powerful color rays, high speed atom chamber, televideo sights. Made from mold-in-color plastic, Remco's Space Gun has rather pedestrian design, but comes packaged in a stellar box complete with child-at-play artwork, a planet-filled night sky, and a futuristic city. Buy it for the box, but even loose, Remco's Electronic Space Gun provides good contrast to some truly innovative toy ray gun designs of the same period those created by Japanese tin-litho manufactures.

Value: ( Complete with Box ) $700. ( Loose in excellent Condition ) $300.

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