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Updated: October 25, 2023

Diorama of the Week! My favorite episode of the second season, not only were they finally leaving the planet and going back into space by working through the night to get ready, but I really liked the statue that came to life from the Cosmonium. This is the second diorama that I built from this episode. We never got to see Mr. Nerim's spaceship in its entirety, just the lower portion of it. It would have been very small, in fact it was later modified by changing out some of the siding and turned into the lifeboat for Admiral Zahrk's spaceship. I used the blueprint to recreate what it was supposed to look like.

Next Week, we left Penny and Will Robinson watching from the safety of the Jupiter-2 as the final moments of a space experiment ticked off, an experiment that Will Robinson hoped might save them all?

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