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Updated: January 18, 2024

Cave of the Wizards was an interesting episode because we almost thought they were going back into space until the ending. Also the three wizards were wildly different, one a big brain, another a giant mechanical eye, and the other was only seen on a screen. The brain was reused from The Ghost Planet and even the Gemini 12 miniature was used again. I used to think it was just there for set dressing but in the script one part that was cut out was a line that the brain repeated after Smith said it first, then left. It was "If only I had a ship of my own that would take me where I want to go". Perhaps the miniature Jupiter-2 on the table was what they projected as a fake Jupiter-2 that Will, Smith, and the Robot later found abandoned.

Next Week: We left Will, Penny, and Dr. Smith contentedly playing baseball, unaware that an incredible alien magician was about to join their innocent game.

Bill Hedges

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