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Updated: January 25, 2024

Lots of reused parts to make up Zalto's spaceship, the diving bell, the fusion core ring, and on top, the fissure plug from The Toymaker, which was originally an aircraft prop spinner. Inside, one instrument panel was made from 2 pound coffee cans, and another was an plug-in extension for testing circuit boards in a Burroughs 220 mainframe computer. I found mine in one of the cabinets from part of a mainframe 220 that I bought, so that's only how I knew where it came from. Jeff Wargo created a beautiful 3D printed spaceship for me and Gary Stair, Zalto and Smith.

Next Week: Not an aired episode, but where the entire series started from. I saw the two aliens in the promo for the series and I kept waiting to see them in an episode, only later did I find out they were just there for the pilot.

Bill Hedges

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