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Updated: July 24, 2022

This is the "Ultimate" Base for Jupiter-2's, Spindrifts, UFO's, Monsters, Aliens, anything you can think of that fits on this extra large presentation area. You could even incorporate the Monogram Flying Sub, or the 24 inch Seaview into a deep sea diorama. We experimented using a Martian War Machine hovering over it and it looked absolutely superb! Special order versions with all sorts of options are also available! But for you "do it yourself" types, a raw unfinished version is also available in a kit form (No Assembly Required, just your imagination and a little paint!)

The Base is cast from strong resin, measuring 17" by 16" by 9.5", and can be drilled and worked on in many ways. Paint schemes can be of an endless variety and if you add Plants and Trees, you can alter the look completely. Hollow area underneath the platform area of the base permits installation of lighting, sound, whatever you have in mind! The Kit Factory has spent over a year designing this base along with Angry Wives Studios, and we now have the best design that really uses the "Miniature Stage" concept to the fullest. Viewed at eye level, the item placed on the "presentation / plateau" platform appears to be on a vast Planet surface, with Mountains looming in the faraway distance. This is actually based on a real stage design, but is a miniature version, and has the "false perspective" of real studio sets incorporated into it's design!

For more information on ordering one of this great Planet bases, please contact Simon Mercs at,

(*) Note: Unfinished Kits Cost - $149.95 Painted Kits Cost - $299.95 (Depending on detail and painting request) Shipping & Handling $39.95 (Per Kit)

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