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Updated: July 27, 2022

Received this e-mail and photos on August 15, 2004 from Lost in Space fan / collector, Jim Crompton

Hi Robert,

How are you? Hope your summer is going well. I don't recall if I ever sent a picture of a Gemini XII model I have (made from a Polar Lights Jupiter-2). I sent pictures of other "Lost in Space" models as you might recall that you posted. The Gemini XII in my collection was professionally assembled by Jim Small of Small Art Works located in Canada. Jim did a terrific job on the model. The Gemini XII has, as you probably know, larger viewports, larger fusion core, less surface details, defined upper deck only, etc. It is similar to the Jupiter-2, but not the same. Please see the attached picture and enjoy.

I also purchased a professional build-up of the Jupiter-2 from Simon Mercs (you either have pictures already, or the ones I could send would match what you have posted already). Simon did a great job on the fully lighted prop he assembled for me. I hope to take even more new pictures in the future, and would glad send some when I do.


Jim Crompton

(*) Note: Thanks Jim for sending us photos of your Jupiter-2 and Gemini XII for the website. I enjoy receiving e-mails and photos of others fans / collectors collectibles. Thanks for sharing, and please keep those e-mails flowing here!

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