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Updated: December 04, 2022

Here is a fun and custom built kit. The Robot from Lost in Space, the classic 1960's TV-Series. With the Saticon & Debbie the Bloop. Both are custom and one-of-a-kind item. Saticon With black velvet costume seen in two television episodes. The Robot B-9 has been heavily modified will not see this one 'anywhere-else.'

Features extreme difference. Parts used from the Polar Lights Kit are: Bottom part-of-Barrel, top of Legs, Collar, Bubble, Brain-parts. Other parts from Robot-parts elsewhere: Arms & Cuffs, Neck, Sensors, Green-Curcuit-Board Power-Pak, Top-Shoulder section of Torso-Barrel, & Platform. These enhanced replaced-parts make a most accurate Robot B-9 big with Lost in Space fans can see the difference results a more thicken-look. Also with blinking red-light in chest which also lights-up collar & barrel torso-vents.

Robot in first-season color-scheme b+w TV-series. Very fun diorama can twist B=9 slightly at waist if desired. All figures Robot are bolted-down secure not removable. Runs on 8 AA-Battery-Pak sits under display light-switch on-off side of display-stand.The display-stand base 8 x 10 inch / Saticon 9-inch figure. Robot about 7-inch tall. Built by avid pro-modeler LIS-fan Jerry VonMueller.

Value: $200.

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