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Updated: December 02, 2022

Here is yet another fantastic kit from Lunar Models. This custom diorama comes complete with a display freezing tube. Also a Power-Pac, Computer-Tape Door, Detail-Brain, and detailed functional-words on square-buttons on control-plate. This classic Robot B-9 is built & painted in first season colors very tasteful very elegant by pro-Lost-in-Space-super fan-modeler for the collecting Lost-in-Space Super-Fan!

Robot stands approximate 10" tall & display-tube 12" tall. Barrel & platform painted metallic silver. Robot the legs & arms are painted dark matte grey perfectly painted matte-black robot-treads, silver claws. Robot parts all made of resin with: clear resin on collar, upper-chest & 4-cut out vents on bottom ring on robot torso barrel where the center-front one is combined with the computer-tape door. Clear plexi-plastic display-tube with lift-off lid & bottom can leave the tube all in separate parts so you can change the set up. This model is very difficult to build & at the time when being produced by Lunar Models cost unfinished $180 & is the best detail life-like nearest to the real fame of the Icon 60's TV-Lost in Space Robot. This is a great piece nearest thing to having a life-size bubble-headed-booby for your own B-9 friend!

Model builder and artist - Jerry Von Mueller, New York

Value: $400.

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