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Updated: November 30, 2022

I purchase this strange kit on May 12, 2001. I believe this was a garage kit, and was limited to only 500 kits. This very detailed kit is made of resin, and was made by a Company named, "Clone Replicas". I have never seen this kit before, and it's hard to put a price tag on something you can't compare to. I would like to thank, Keith Miles of Las Vegas Nevada for this great kit!"

(*) Update: Received an e-mail and photos on this kit, on January 1, 2009. This kit was released in England in June 1990. The kit includes a mini Jupiter-2, a mini B-9 Robot with alien base, and drilling site, which is really cool. Many thanks to, "Ralph Young" for the new info.

Value: $250-Up.

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