Updated: February 25, 2025
Lost in Space 3D printed Play-Cool J-2 from Toy Cave Collectibles. Jupiter-2 -10-inch Diameter with scaled Space Pod and Chariot.
The Robinson Family, Dr Smith, Major West and the Robot - ~1.5 inches tall
Over 20 parts to this model kit:
J-2 â€" Roof ( with / Dome ), Body-Top and Bottom, Main Level, Door and Ramp. J-2 â€" Interior â€" 4 Wall sections, Astrogator ( with / Dome ), Galley Table, Controls ( with / seats), Elevator, and 4 Freezing tubes ( with generators ) Robinson Family ( with / John with Jet pack ) Robot, Dr. Smith and Major West Chariot with Glass Space Pod with / Landing Smoke.
Retails: $650.