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Updated: January 22, 2023

I completely scratch built this model of the Jupiter-2 way back in 1989 and recently gave it a makeover. I built it from a plan available at the time ( not much reference material back then ). The Hull shape is not an exact replica of the sound stage set but I've always thought this model had a closer resemblance to it than the miniatures used on the show, so I thought rather than leaving it in a box forever, I would bring it to life as the stage set J-2.

I replaced most of the internal lights with LED's and wired all to work off transformers, repainted the hull, added the planet scape and ramp, removed lower level from the original model and remodelled the viewport. I scratch built the veggie garden tables. I've based the scenery more on the first season look rather than the very colorful other seasons, so thought it appropriate to show the model in black & white in a few shots.

Tim Preddy

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