Updated: September 16, 2022
Right now, Im selling a model kit (so easy to put together it's pathetic!) for the Polar Lights J-2. I spent a lot of time
researching it to make it accurate, and I believe Im pretty close. The bulk of the kit (the legs and center deck) are machine
cut acrylic, and no bubbles or casting holes to fill! The rest is easy to apply strip styrene, three staircases, and some plastic hand railing.
Let me know what you think! Culttvman liked it so much he bought a case, sight unseen! He's selling them on his website right now! Enjoy the pictures!
(*) For those of you interested in purchasing one of these for your collection, please go to
Retails: $129. (Plus Shipping Fees)
(*) Special thanks to, Henry Prentiss for creating this marvelous Jupiter-2 addition for us modeling nuts out there!