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Updated: May 17, 2022

Jupiter-2 Launch Site Crane:

This is a one of a kind movie set piece from the 1998 Summer hit movie "Lost in Space" Starring Gary Oldman, Matt Le Blanc, Mimi Rogers, and William Hurt. This item comes from Anthony Parker of Portsmouth Hants, United Kingdom. The item was up for bid on eBay on 10-8-5.

I worked as set construction runner on the set of the movie at Shepperton Studios England, as well as the visual effects department later in the production. I was given this launch site crane which is stunningly detailed, and has working LED lights when powered by a small 9V battery. There were only five cranes made for this scene, and each Crane is very different in design, so you can be assured that you will have the only one of it's kind!

This Crane was used during the launch scene of the Jupiter-1 Space Craft. The scene was shot on the open back lot at Shepperton Studios Middlesex England, against a real sky, at a low angle, giving a real impression of height. Movie Model makers applied some very esquisit detailing to this Crane, ensuring it will look awesome on the big screen. This item is a real talking piece, and gets a lot of notice, especially at night when you can power the LED's with a small battery!

Crane height: 29" Crane width from each end of rotating arm: 24" Dimensions of base: 5.5" x 5.5" Approximate weight: 7.5 lbs The crane is mostly made of strong tubular metal, and has plastic tubes / pipes and railings. As this crane was given as a gift at the end of the shoot, I have no certification of authenticity, but I can assure potential buyers of it's authenticity with evidence of my employment with ‘Space Dog productions' and ‘New Line Cinema ‘in the form of pay slips, Crew List, one of the daily call sheets (a breakdown of the scheduled activity on set and the movements of the Artistes for that particular day) plus one of the storyboard art sketches depicting the scene with ‘Blawp' (Blarp) meeting his older self.

Photos shown here include the following:

1) Crane high wide shot 2) Crane close up of mid section and elevator shaft. 3) Mid section looking down 4) End of extended platform / walkway looking back at centre section. 5) Evidence of employment with New Line Cinema. Pay slip, Crew List, call sheet and storyboard art. 6) Another wide shot, showing LED wires at base for battery connection 7) Close up on mid section showing distressed metal detail and various pipes / girders 8) From base looking up at Crane 9) Close up of mid section just below platform / walkway 10) One of the many working blue LED lights. 11) Screen Grab from "Lost In Space" movie, showing crane clearly in foreground during the Jupiter-1 launch scene. 12) Screen grab of movie credits with sellers name listed. ‘Anthony Parker Construction Runner'

Value: $3,000.

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