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Updated: October 13, 2023

Shown here is a two page set of blueprints commissioned by Icons, prior to their demise, of the classic Jupiter-2 from Irwin Allen's series "Lost in Space".

The first sheet blueprint was drawn by Tony Rodriguez, dated 01/26/99, & was offered to most of Icon's customers who placed an order & paid for their deluxe replica of the Jupiter-2, but never received it. What makes this unusual is the bow elevation view is not seen directly on but at an angled elevated view looking down through the top & viewports of the upper flight deck.

The second sheet blueprint was drawn by Jupiter-2 model master Jim Key, dated 11/11/97. Jim Key is well known in the model replica arena for his master replicas, one of which is the Jupiter-2. His blueprint of the bow elevation was created directly from measurements taken of the original four foot miniature used to film the Lost in Space TV series.

Value: $200.

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