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Updated: October 17, 2023

Lost ( and Found ) in Space: 200 pages of Angela and Bill's personal remembrances of their years filming the series packed with rare and never before seen photographs on high quality heavy paper. A must for every true Lost in Space fan!

$45.00 plus tax and shipping

Option Two: The Boss Bonus Edition.

The Boss Bonus Book package begins with this book.

The Book is then placed in this exclusive reusable tote bag.

This bonus package also includes an exact duplicate of Bill's Holy Grail of Lost in Space collectibles, this bumper sticker. It is the only one known left to exist in the galaxy!

You also get an exact duplicate of an ultra rare button Irwin Allen distributed only to the cast and crew. It says "I do compute."

The bonus package also includes a never before seen color 5 x 7 postcard of the LIS cast "personally autographed" by Angela and Bill that is sure to bring a smile to even the most cantankerous clumps!

All items made in the USA.

Lost ( and Found ) in Space $45.00 + tax and shipping

Lost ( and Found ) in Space Boss Bonus Edition $115.00 + tax, shipping and handling

Bloop Bloop!

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