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Updated: November 11, 2023

This publication is no longer being printed and was ( still is ) the "holy grail" of Sci-Fi related modeling magazines. Each issue is full of articles on kit build-ups, how-to's, scratch-building tips, interviews with movie model-making artisans, kit reviews, anything sci-fi model related. Also a great source to find rare behind-the-scenes pictures of movie filming miniatures under construction.

Star Wars, Star Trek, Space:1999, UFO, Lost in Space, Thunderbirds, Alien ( s ), etc are all covered throughout the 50 + issues that were published. It even occasionally touched on CG modeling as it related to various sci-fi shows throughout the '90's and 2000's.

This issue #29 features the Lost in Space Jupiter-2 that Icons was going to produce until they had $ issues. Also nice article on the Lost in Space Movie Jupiter-2 filming minature. As well as the new reissue release of the Giant Cyclops and Robot B-9 kits originally issued by Aurora in the mid 1960's.

Value: $20.

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