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Updated: November 11, 2023

This Fanzine is a crossover connecting the Lost in Space story to the original Star Trek Series story. Times Change is a Star Trek Lost in Space 84-page crossover by Jeanne Elizabeth McGrew. Art by Cindy Barnard and Yvonne Bowhay.


From an ad in The New Monthly: "A crossover novel in which the Jupiter-2 is rescued by the Enterprise and is caught in the Trek adventures, until Kirk and company return the Robinson clan to Alpha Centauri. Certain experiences in both crews' pasts play havoc in this 'Lost in Space' romp. Find out what happens to all your favorite characters in this final chapter."

Reactions and Reviews:

Best part is actually the author's impassioned plea for the quality of the first season of Lost in Space, which made me curious to see them and find out if I would agree. The story is entertaining but pretty gushy. Enterprise is time-travelling to Earth to record events of the Eugenics War era, and rescues the party of the Jupiter-2. Kirk tries to take them to their proper arrival date on Alpha Centauri, but is thwarted with every try - first through solar breakaway moves, then at the Guardian. Meanwhile, the Robinson party relive some of their episodes, through the Shore Leave planet and the Guardian. Will and Penny each rescue future love interests, and much of the story revolves around eventual amicable resolution of the craven Smith's relationship with John and Don, who actually do beat him up after threatening for so long. Finally, going beyond the Barrier, they find the source of the interference - a type of god made of neutrinos, who keeps worlds and times in place, and now judges that the Enterprise must be destroyed. It is saved by Penny, who recognizes one voice as her "Mister Nobody" and makes an emotional plea.

Value: $30.

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