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Updated: November 19, 2023

B9 Robot from Lost in Space:

Primary Directives:

Preserve Robinson family Monitor Planetary environment Give sufficient Warning!!! If danger is imminent Created by Robert Kinoshita who also created Robby the Robot from "Forbidden Planet". The Robot cost $75,000 to create and weighs upwards of 200 pounds; Two Robot suits were created. The chest lights and motorized feelers were powered by an electrical cord which was sometimes visible in the show. For the first three episodes of the show, movement was accomplished by an actor walking inside the Robot. This became too difficult, so whenever a scene required movement, an actor would carry the upper portion of the Robot on his back and the director would shoot the action from the Robot's legs up. Sometimes tracks were laid down and the entire Robot was manually pulled by workers off-camera.

The voice of the Robot was Dick Tufeld, a popular freelance announcer in Hollywood. Dick will also be doing the Robot s voice for The upcoming feature film version of Lost in Space. The actor inside the robot costume was Bob May, a former stuntman and dancer for Warner Brothers Pictures. Most notably, Bob has appeared in a number of Jerry Lewis films. Remco produced toy replicas of the Robot that are highly sought-after in today's collectors' market. In mint condition, the toy now sells for about $750! The Robot spent many years in storage, but was restored by an executive producer at Fox, Kevin Burns. Currently acting as a commercial spokesman for Altoids Mints. Currently appearing at events promoting the upcoming feature film Lost in Space, but was not cast in the coveted role. The Robot for the film will have a different look.


Lost in Space ( 1965 ) TV Series-The Robot Mystery Island ( 1979 ) TV Series-( in an altered state ) Has made countless other TV appearances including "The Jerry Lewis Telethon" and the "America" talk show.

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