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Updated: November 19, 2023

Insult's in Space ( The Insults: )

"As for the Robot, we have a little thing going. I insult him. To me he is a "cackling computer", a "metallic monolith" or perhaps a "pusillanimous puppet". He, of course, hates me.

It's...ah, well, it's very theatrical." Jonathan Harris in a 1966 TV Guide interview:

Adelphated Armor Bearer Adelphated Amateur Aluminum Canary Animated Weather Station Arrogant Automation As Protective as a Leaky Umbrella Assassin Astigmatic Automation Automated Oaf Babbling Birdbrain Babbling Bumpkin Bellicose Bumpkin Big Mouth Blithering Blatherskite Blithering Booby Blithering Bumpkin Blundering Bag of Bolts Booby Book-Making Booby Broken-down Has Been Brutish Product of the Mineral World Bubble Brain Bubble-Headed Booby Bubble-Head Bulbous Bumpkin Bumbling Bag of Bolts Bumbling Birdbrain Bumbling Booby Bumbling Bucket of Bolts Bumbling Cracker Barrel Bumptious Booby Bumptious Braggart Bungler Bungling Incompetent Cackling Cacophony Cackling Canister Cackling Clod Cackling Cookoo Cackling Coward Cantankerous Clod Cantankerous, Cold-Hearted Clod Caterwauling Clod Cautious Clump Chattering Magpie Clanking Clod Clod Clod-Like Collection of Condensors Clumsy Clod Clumsy Clump Clumsy Cloot Complete Moron Computerized Clod Computerized Clump Confused Compass Coward Cowardly Clump Cumbersome Clod Cumbersome Clump Cybernetic Simpleton Cybernetic Skeptic Defective Detective Dehumanized Lie Dispernser Demented Diode Deplorable Dummy Deplorable Dunderhead Digitized Dunce Dippity Dunce Disreputable Dunce Disreputable Dunderhead Doddering Dunderhead Dr. Dunderhead Dunce Dunderhead Dundering Dolt Evasive Coward Ferrous Frankenstein Fiend in Tin Clothing Floundering Flunky Fool Foolish Fop Frightful Fractious Frump Frozen Eskimo Fugitive from a Junkheap Fugitive from a Junkyard Fugitive from a Scrap Heap Fugitive from a Scrap Metal Yard Galumphing Gargoyle Gargantuan Goose Garrulous Gargoyle Ghoul Gigantic Gargoyle Goose Gregarious Gremlin Hard-headed Harbinger of Death Hard-headed Harbinger of Evil Hardware Hyena Hopeless Heap of Tainted Tin Hulking Mass of Mechanical Ignorance Hypertensive Hypochondriac Idiot Ignominious Ignoramous Ill-Informed Ignoramous Impersonal Collection of Inanimate Hardware Incompetent Idiot Incompetent Imbecile Incompetent, Moronic Lump Incompetent Walking Ingrate Ineffective Ineptitude Inept Goldbricker Inept Idiot Infamous Informer Ingot of Ingratitude Ingrate Insensitive Brute Insensitive Idiot Insensitive Machine Insipid Ineptitude Iron-born Ingrate Irresponsible Wine Bever Jabbering Jackenapse Jabbering Jeremiah Jabbering Judas Judas Juvenile Junkpile Klunker Know-nothing Numskull Lagert Lamebrained Lump Lead-lined Lothario Lead-lined Lump Lilly-Livered, Lead-Lined Lump Lilly-Livered Lump Little Mother Ludicrous Lump Lugubrious Lagert Lugubrious Lump Malicious Moron Mass of Fear Mealymouthed Rogue Mechanical Dunderhead Mechanical Meddler Mechanical Misfit Mechanical Murderer Meddler Medical School Dropout Mediocre Misfit Mental Midget Mess of Metal Metallic Ham Metallic Monstrosity Metallic Murderer Miserable Mass of Metal Miserable Mechanism Misguided, Mechanical Misery Misshapen Mummy Monster Monstrous, Mechanized, Misguided Moron Monstrous, Metallurgical Meddler Monstrous Mountebank Mr. Wrongway Computer Mumbling Mass of Metal My Brave Hero My Insensitive Friend Mynah Bird Nattering Ninny Neanderthal Ninny Negligent Ninny Nervous NinnyNickel-plated Nincompoop Nickering Ninny Nincompoop Ninny Nondescript Ninny Noxious Ninny Obsolete Oaf Obsolete Piece of Scrap Metal Old Booby Overcautious Concoction Overgrown Ninny Oversized Oaf Parsimonious Puppet Pathetic Pomposity Pitiable Pipsqueak Plasticized Parrot Pompous Pipsqueak Pot-Bellied Prankster Pot-Bellied Pumpkin Powered Prankster Preening Popingee Presumptuous Pipsqueak Presumptuous Popinjay Pretentious Popinjay Primitive Pile of Pistons Proverbial Neanderthal Ninny Puny Pipsqueak Pusillanimous Pinhead Pusillanimous Pipsqueak Pusillanimous Punkah Pusillanimous Puppet Puselous Tyrant Pedagogical Pipsqueak Ramshackled Romeo Real Great Goose Ridiculous Robot Ridiculous Roustabout Ridiculous Ruer Robust Rockhound Roly-poly Rowdy Sanctimonious Scatterbrain Scurrilous Scatterbrain Sententious Sloth Sickening Cybernetic Silent Sentinel Silly Goose Silly Old Ninny Silly Sausage Silly Sloth Silly-Looking Bucket of Bolts ( delivered by Zeno, "West of Mars" ) Silver-Plated Sellout Simple Simon Snickering Cinderbox Sorry Specimen of Computerhood Steely-Eyed Sorcerer Stupid Friend Stubborn Clatterbrain Tarnished Trumpet Tattletale Terrified Mechanical Dunderhead Tin Monster ( delivered by Don, "The Hungry Sea" ) Tin-Plated Fool Tin-Plated Fraud Tin-Plated Snitch Tin-Plated Tattletale Tin-Plated Tintinnabulation Tin-Plated Traitor Tin-Plated Tyrant Tintinnabulating Tin Can Tiresome Thesaurus Traitor Traitorous Electronic Junk Pile Traitorous Tintinnabulation Traitorous, Tin-Plated Fugitive from a Junkyard Traitorous, Transistorized Toad Treasonous Tyrant Unctuous Underling Uncultured Clump Ungrateful Underling Ungrateful Wretch Unspeakable Insult Weakling Worrywart Worthless, Electronic Scrapheap Wretch

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