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Updated: November 22, 2023

The finishing touch to any real Lost in Space Environmental Robot.

The Original Power Pack was actually an old old miltary computer component that was used in the 50's and 60's. During the shows development, the shows prop department salvaged the part, added 3 stereo phono jacks and a clear plexiglass cover to create the famous Power Pack that would power up ( or down depending on the scene ), the star of the series... The B9 Robot.

I purchased this metal framed recreation from another robot builder for use on my replica. However, I have since located an original part as used in the series, and will be modifying it for use on my robot. This detailed replica has a metal frame ( most replicas have resin frames! ), accurate metal contact points, metal screws and fasteners, serial numbers and ID sequences with pc board and electrical components. It fired my robot right up and looks stunning when installed or sitting on the workbench.

Value: $150.

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