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Updated: November 21, 2023

This fun project all started by a loyal fan Flint Mitchell of St. Louis. Mr. Mitchell wrote a book in the 1980's "How to Build a Lost in Space Robot". From there, many fans got the idea to attempt such a project. Over the years many fans have built there own replica Robot from the 1960's TV series classic.

Fans have spent hundreds and even thousands of dollars completing a B9 Robot that can take years to finish. Fans have gone to such details of added features, and even remote controlled robots. There is even a new revised B9 club, that meets once a year to showcase there Robot's for the #1 prize. Even the actor that played inside the Robot judges the contest. Actor Bob May and wife Judy May, enjoys this annual event, and is one of the greatest events to attend for any Lost in Space fan.

The photos featured here, is just a small sample on what goes into building such an exciting project. Special thanks to Gale Smith and the many Robot builders at LISFEST 4/03 for sharing these great replica Robots with all of us!

If you have built or own a replica B9 Robot and wish to share your building skills, or just like to show-off your replica B9, please send us your comments, tips, and photos. We would appreciate high-lighting your Robot on our website.

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