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Updated: January 30, 2024

MAQ ( La Maquina ) El Robot Parlante De Lili Ledy - Mexico 1971 Lost in Space Robot. Similar to the Remco version but appreciably larger ( 14" tall ). It's called MAQ Robot meaning "Maquina "in Spanish or "The Machine" in English.

1 ) It talks in Spanish by pushing a lever that works while the Robot is in motion ( if you can catch it ) It says in Spanish: Insufficient information. Does not compute. My sensors perceive an external threat. Logical deduction. We have left the Solar System. The atmosphere of this planet is not breathable.

2 ) Inside the dome the "spinner" actually spins while in motion.

3 ) A red light spins in the panel below the dome. It's a black disc with holes in it so light only shows through in spots creating a sequence.

4 ) The chest plate lights up. The top portion changes in different rainbow color middle has moving lined colors, the bottom has white light. It's all done by rotating film.

5 ) The arms are poseable.

6 ) A bump and go action which is rather weak because the motor is over stretched.

( * ) Lili Ledy was the premier toy company in Mexico and had the rights to G.I. Joe Adventure Team Series and Stretch Armstrong, etc. Due to Mexican law at the time that restricted imports, Lili Ledy would gain the rights to the toys and produce them in Mexico. Often wrongly percieved as knock-offs, Ledy toys offer alternative versions of US originals. In the case of MAQ, one of wonders!

Value: 1,000-Up ( Robot ) $1,500-Up ( With Box Complete )

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