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Updated: December 16, 2023

Masudaya 16-inch! Lost in Space! Motorized-Robot!

Retro-look to fill in for all the Lost in Space collectibles that were never manufactured in the 60's! With-motorized-wheels rolls along, light-up brain, chest-light & light-up custom top two-buttons on control-plate which are installed new & clear! Also first season style as control-plate with correct-words for functions in silver & white colors on the square-buttons.

The brain bubble-dome is clear-plastic only was darkened in some pictures to enhance colors & lights! By pro Lost in Space super fan pro modeler for the collecting Lost in Space super fan whom understands the custom-built construction of cut-out raised brain-parts, lights etc. Then the most extra-extra-plus improved Robot-arms they have been replaced with all new black-coil-arms with inside wire & foam that bends a more realistic postion for look of arms as to the vinyl-arms that come with the Masudaya kit!

Claws painted bright-red. Then white blinking-lights in bubble-head & red-blinking light in Robot chest. Red-Light in Robot-chest is bright-red! One light switch on-off works lights located just below control-plate & back between lower bottom legs switch for motorized wheels. Sensors red, barrel & platform painted gloss grey the legs are painted gloss-black which give an appearance of black-rubber-look-legs a very dramatic appeal with the black coil arms with black cuffs. Newly provided eight AA-batteries in power-unit which cradles in Robot barrel + AAA-battery-unit for motorized wheels / all batteries changeable. The badly done Robot voice has been taken out in place for the battery-pack for lights & motorized wheels.

Many thanks to, "Jerry VonMueller" of New York on this item!

Value: $400.

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