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Updated: December 14, 2023

Masudaya 16-inch Lost in Space Robot. Done in most beautiful first season color scheme. With added lights in bubble-head & chest-light along with several scratch built Robot-parts. Two white blinking-lights in bubble-head with chest-light blinking bright-red as the red has been enhanced with red see-thur plastic placed behind clear-plastic-chest & red-lite-bulb to make red bright brighter-red than pics! Bubble-head triangle brain has been life-like detail cut-outs per info picture in guide book on lifescale Robot.

Other scratch built parts are power-pack green-circuit-board side of barrel torso & computer-tape-door cut-out located below contol-plate / door does not slide has open-look. On the ten-square white-buttons on control-plate the function-words hAve been added to each button!

Also choose a pair of Masudaya-arms that were more curved in rather the usual that stick more straight out verge to sides. Claws painted silver-chrome. One light switch on-off works lights located back between lower-bottom-legs. Barrel & platform painted metallic-chrome-silver. Legs matte gunmetal. Newly provided eight AA-batteries in power-unit which cradles in Robot barrel all batteries changeable. Sorry but the badly done Robot voice has been taken out in place for the battery-pack for lights.

Constructed in many Robot-modeling hours to build & light to all his Robot-glory! Masudaya Model Kit made in Japan 1980's no longer manufacturered now rare. This is a great piece nearest thing to having a life-size bubble-headed-booby for your own B9 friend!

Another creation by Jerry VonMueller of New York.

Value: $400.

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