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Updated: February 25, 2025

Time Merchant

Season Three

Lost in Space

Original Airdate - January 17, 1968

Written By - Bob Duncan and Wanda Duncan

Directed By - Ezra Stone

While John, Will, Smith and the Robot conduct tests on particles, a cosmic storm hits their tiny planet. Much to their shock, their experiment accidently imprisons a very angry man by the name of Chronos. Chronos demands to be released, and Will obeys. Sadly, moments later, Dr. Smith’s poor people skills manage to infuriate Chronos even further.

When it becomes obvious that Chronos has the ability to manipulate time, Smith starts to get an idea. Chronos decides to take Will away with him to work in his time factory, and though the boy refuses, Chronos hypnotizes him and takes him away anyhow. Dr. Smith informs John, and John and the Robot go after Chronos and the kidnaped Will. Though John clearly orders Smith to go back to the spaceship, Smith becomes frightened at being by himself and follows after them instead.

John quickly finds Chronos and insists that Will be set free. Chronos refuses, declaring that the Robinsons have caused him to lose time and that he now intends to make it up by any means possible. Smith tries to bargain with Chronos for youth and passage back to Earth. He requests that Chronos send him back to the day when the Jupiter 2 first took off, and when the Time Merchant’s back is turned, he sneaks off without paying.

Chronos is furious and demands that John settle Smiths account by handing over part of his own life span. Chronos also warns that Smith may alter the course of history by doing things differently in the past. They observe the Doctor’s actions through one of Chronos’ many machines, and discover that Smith intends not to board the Jupiter 2 so that he will never be lost in space with the Robinson family.

Although it seems that this would be a very good thing, it turns out that without the added weight of Dr. Smith aboard ship, the Jupiter-2 will collide with an uncharted asteroid and be destroyed.

When he learns this, John realizes that it is necessary for Smith to board the Jupiter-2 before history is altered and the whole Robinson family ceases to exist. John tries to persuade Chronos to return Smith, but the Time Merchant will not do so, saying that the power such an action would require would destroy his machine. John then asks if the Robot might be allowed to go after Smith instead. Again, the Time Merchant refuses, saying that he won’t allow any more time traveling until he is given compensation. Having little choice, John agrees to pay Chronos some of the years of his life. A bargain is made, and the Robot travels back in time to convince Smith to board the Jupiter-2. The plan goes awry quickly when the Robots tapes are damaged on arrival and he no longer remembers why he is there or any of his life with the Robinson family at all.

Will begs to be sent through time as well so he can fix the Robot, and Chronos reluctantly agrees, but will only allow the boy two minutes to complete the task. Will makes the journey and tries to remind the Robot of his mission, but time runs out before he can be certain of his success. Will is transported back to his father and Chronos, and Robot is left alone and very confused.

Luckily, after a brief conversation with Dr. Smith, the Robot remembers his orders and tries to coerce Smith into boarding the Jupiter-2. Even when the Robot tells Smith that the Jupiter-2 will be destroyed without his help, Smith refuses to go along. Robot leaves to get onto the ship by himself, and once he is alone, Smith has a change of heart and follows. The pair makes it to the Jupiter-2 just in the nick of time to get on board.

Having observed all of this, John forces Chronos to transport Smith and the Robot back to the present. The time machine is then destroyed by a power overload, and Chronos may very well have been killed in the explosion. Will, John, Smith and the Robot return to their own dimension, and everything is back to normal.

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